The Homing Call: The One About Sleep
We've got a new Saturday morning ritual for you. Wake up (at whatever time), roll over and read The Homing Call.
It's an exploration of all the things that call our bedfolk home - from novels and DIY to romcoms and wine. Sure, we've spent many hours at home this year, which means we've had even more time to reflect on our creature comforts.
Each week we'll explore a new home pastime worth staying in for - with interviews, lie-in lists and more. Think of it as another excuse to stay in bed ten minutes longer, not that you need one.
The Homing Call: The One About Sleep
Nothing gets us through a long week like the promise of slipping between the sheets and falling into a deep, heavy slumber. But it’s not always so easy.
If you’re anything like us, minds whir with unfinished to do lists, what groceries we need and where we put the vacuum bags (we’re still looking).
This weekend’s edition is dedicated to the art of drifting off, so that coming home always means a proper night’s rest.
Bedfolk Linen in Ink and Rose
Words To Wake Up To
“There’s no sunrise so beautiful that it’s worth waking me up to see it.” – Mindy Kaling
The Comfort Zone
We've got a nap for that...
Fancy drifting off to Matthew McConnaughey’s Southern drawl (who wouldn’t?) or Eva Green’s soothing French lilt? Meditation app Calm’s Sleep Stories are read aloud by actors and voice artists, and range from train rides on the Orient Express to exploring the lavender fields of Provence – read by Stephen Fry, no less.
Turn your phone on night mode, settle in under the sheets and let Calm send you to sleep.
Visit the app
The Lie In List
Why We Sleep: Unlocking The Power Of Sleep and Dreams – Matthew Walker
Stephen Fry Reading Blue Gold on Calm’s Sleep Stories
How To Get A Better Night’s Sleep – The New York Times
Essential Sleep Oil by Anatome
Check Out:
In last week’s edition of Pillowtalk we chatted to Pip Roberts, the head and heart behind Now Studio in Bristol, about disco naps (yes, really!), yoga nidra and our favourite topic - sleep.
“Yoga nidra literally translates from Sanskrit as “yogic sleep”. It is a meditative practice, where you listen to the words of the guide whilst laid down under a blanket...
...There’s no movement necessary and it restores you on a mental, physical and emotional level… Honestly, rest like this is a total game changer!”
Grab a cuppa and click here for the full interview
Photo credit: Kasia Kiliszek
Felicity Quilt
Before Instagram, before therapy, before we looked for answers in astrology apps, there was Felicity Quilt – Bedfolk’s resident agony aunt. She’s a pedant for clean rooms, made beds and no nonsense between the sheets. Each week she’ll be the F.Q. to your FAQs.
Dear FQ,
When I was single, I used to sleep like a baby. Now, I can’t get more than a few hours a night because there’s another human taking up half of my bed. Suggestions?
Dear Single or Double,
Short of the obvious (separate beds, which is how Mr Quilt and I have managed so many years together), might I suggest twin beds? They give the illusion of sleeping together, but if you’re sneaky enough you can pull your side apart and rest easy without your SO getting in the way.
Felicity Quilt x