The Homing Call: The One About Cocktails
We've got a Saturday morning ritual for you. Wake up (at whatever time), roll over and read The Homing Call.
It's an exploration of all the things that call our bedfolk home - from novels and DIY to romcoms and wine. Sure, we've spent many hours at home this year, which means we've had even more time to reflect on our creature comforts.
Each week we'll explore a new home pastime worth staying in for - with interviews, lie-in lists and more. Think of it as another excuse to stay in bed ten minutes longer, not that you need one.
The Homing Call: The One About Cocktails
Nothing says relax like a drink in your favourite living room chair/sun-drenched balcony/peak garden spot. We’ve been inspired by Stanley Tucci’s viral cocktail video, hearing that he makes a cocktail for him and his wife every day at 5pm on the dot (swoon).
We might be enjoying more cocktails at home than out at bars or on holiday (RIP), but it doesn’t mean we can’t bring the buzz. This weekend’s edition is all about recreating recipes and creating mixed-drink moments in the comfort of your own home.
Words To Wake Up To
“Here’s to alcohol, the rose-colored glasses of life.”
—F. Scott Fitzgerald
Try This Frozen Margarita Recipe
One sip of this frozen margarita and you’ll think you landed in Mexico City (just keep your eyes closed and the mariachi music turned up).
(two servings, preferably for one person)
Two shots of good quality tequila blanco
1 tbsp agave (honey or sugar syrup will do)
½ pink grapefruit, rind + pith + pips removed
1 cup of ice
Juice of ¼ lime, plus a wheel to serve
Whizz everything up in a blender, serve in a short tumbler with a wheel of lime. Guacamole and tortilla chips, optional.
Last week we said ‘Cheers!’ with Hannah Lodge – owner of BarChick.
“Weekend mornings kick off nicely with a Bloody Maria (Bloody Mary’s naughty sister with tequila instead of vodka). Or if it’s a longer brunch affair I’ll switch to Palomas – pink grapefruit, tequila and soda with a squeeze of lime.”
Grab a Martini and read more here
The Lie In List
Free The Tipple: Kickass Cocktails Inspired By Iconic Women
Go Big: 39 Cocktails That Scale – Bon Appetit
Check Out:
Stanley Tucci Making Cocktails