The Reading List | Sleep
Sleep. We all do it. But for something that is such a big part of our lives, there is a lot we don’t know about it.
These 5 books explore the world of sleep and dreaming, and have us more obsessed with getting our shut-eye than ever.
Why We Sleep - Matthew Walker
Want to be cleverer, happier and healthier? Sleep more. Neuroscientist Matthew Walker explores 20 years of cutting edge research in this fascinating book. Is there a better book about sleep? We doubt it. “I am in love with sleep” says Walker. We’re with you Matthew.
The Sleep Revolution - Arianna Huffington
Arianna’s ode to sleep is deeply personal, exploring how our cultural dismissal of sleep as being ‘time wasted’ compromises our health, our careers and our relationships. Arianna explores sleep from all angles, and proposes we need nothing short of a ‘Sleep Revolution’.
Snooze: The Lost Art of Sleep – Michael McGrirr
Even the greatest minds need help with sleep; Aristotle, Shakespeare, Florence Nightingale and Thomas Edison all struggled. In Snooze, Michael McGrirr asks why sleep can be so elusive for some. A wise and funny blend of memoir, science and mythology.
Dreamland – David K Randall
Like many of us, David Randall never gave sleep much thought. That is, until he started sleepwalking. After a visit to his Doctors left him with unanswered questions, he embarked on a quest to learn everything he could about the strange science of sleep. In Dreamland he shares what he has learned.
The Sleep Solution – Dr Chris Winter
One for the insomniacs. The Sleep Solution explores twenty four years of experience in helping those with insomnia achieve healthy sleep. Dubbed “The Sleep Whisperer” by Arianna Huffington, Dr Winter is an international expert on sleep and has helped thousands rest better.
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