Hosting Tips for the Christmas Period
The tree’s up, and those already-starting-to-get-annoying Christmas songs are on repeat on the radio. But before you can even think about putting the turkey in the oven, you’ll want to get everything prepped to give your festive guests a stay to remember.
Whether it’s parents, kids, family, or friends – here’s our top Christmas hosting tips to help the festive period pass without a hitch.
Check Those Dietary Requirements
OK, so it goes without saying, but there’s no better way to ruin Christmas than to find out that you’ve not catered to someone’s dietary needs. With the rising popularity of veganism, you might need to cook those sprouts in oil instead of butter this year.
Drinks for Everyone
Sherry, Port, a Snowball – everyone’s got their favourite Christmas tipple. No-one wants to run out of booze, so stock up whilst the shops are open. And don’t forget the teetotallers and designated drivers either - sparkling water with elderflower cordial and a slice of lime is a great way to step up your drinks game sans alcohol.
Preparation is Key
There’s a reason you only host a dinner party for 14 people once a year. Cooking for lots of guests is a massively stressful affair, and anything you can do beforehand will pay you back multiple times on the day. So get that meat marinating, those veggies peeled, and that cheese plate laid out before your guests arrive. If that’s not an option, feel free to ask your guests to help out with tasks like peeling vegetables and setting the table. Plus, it will keep those squabbling family members busy.
Add Festive Touches
Relaxing aromas in the bedroom will help encourage a good night’s sleep for your guests – if they’re not already in a food-induced coma that is. Sandalwood, lavender, and chamomile encourage rest, and there's nothing cosier than a candle on the nightstand.
Over at Bedfolk HQ, we’re currently enjoying aromas from This Works (sleep mist), Skandinavisk (scented candles), and NEOM (wellness pod).
Upgrade The Guest Bedroom
It’s the little touches that really make the difference and ensure that your guests have a good time. One of the simplest guest bedroom tips is to leave a carafe of water with glasses on the bedside and a towel on the end of the bed. And needless to say, having your guests rest their heads on luxury bedding and wrapping up in oversized towels and super soft robes could really make the difference this year.
If you’ve got little festive friends visiting this year, make sure your house is child proofed. Hide the knives, move that expensive vase, and clear an area for kids to play before they arrive.
Break it up
Let’s face it - having the whole family round for the entire day is lovely, but it can also be a recipe for disaster. Break the day up by going for a walk, playing games, or watching a Christmas film.
Enjoy Yourself
This washing up can wait, it’s only Christmas once a year – so make sure you enjoy yourself, even if hosting can be a little stressful.
Emergency Presents
There’s nothing more awkward than receiving a present and not giving one in return. So be prepared – toiletries, boxes of chocolates, and bottles of wine make great emergency presents. And it’s no hardship if they’re left over when Christmas is done.
Playlist Ready
There’s only so many times you should listened to Bublé on Christmas day (hint: it’s less than ten). Get your festive playlist ready in advance to avoid chopping & changing, or better still – make use of pre-made playlists on your streaming app of choice.
Follow Bedfolk on Spotify.
Choose a Film
Likewise, avoid arguments & indecision by choosing a film or tv show to watch in advance of the big day. Or just watch Gavin & Stacey, like everybody else…
It's Time to Host Christmas Like a Pro
So now you’ve got the meal planned, the house prepped, and the music ready, all that’s left is to open that bottle of fizz and enjoy a very merry Christmas.
And after everyone’s left? You’ll want a well-deserved rest in some very soft bedding.