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Article: The Wind Down With Chloe And Talib

The Wind Down With Chloe And Talib

The Wind Down With Chloe And Talib

Picture this. You roll out of bed, with the embers of last night’s fire crackling away in the log burner. The day starts with a cup of coffee and when you open your curtains to admire the morning view, you’re met with trees, nature and the sound of silence.

For some, this sounds like a total dream and for others, they’ve made it their reality… Meet Chloe and Talib; two creatives with a passion for adventure and sustainable living, they live in a tiny home on wheels in the heart of Pembrokeshire. 

We were lucky enough to be invited into their nest to chat about living off radar, adjusting to an indoor/outdoor lifestyle, and how they wind down in a small space.

Bedfolk The Wind Down
Chloe and Talib at their home in Pembrokeshire

What do you do out in the world?

C: We’ve spent the last couple of years focusing on growing our camper van conversion company Indigo & Olive and building our own tiny home on wheels - an American School Bus conversion named ‘Arizona’. 

From the beginning, Talib and I have shared similar dreams and ideas which has been so important to our journey together. We love spending time together and we’re so lucky that we can. I guess that’s one of the reasons we share a tiny home.

What inspired you to ditch normality and live life off the radar?

I guess normality doesn't feed our souls, ignite any passion or inspiration and it’s been that way for a long time.

Don’t get me wrong, most days we have a pretty normal life, we go to work, go food shopping, curl up in front of the fire… But we chose to live a smaller, more sustainable life so we have the option to have adventures and to be free of ties such as a mortgage and a boss. 

Bedfolk Linen Cotton Throw Clay
Talib wrapped up in the Linen & Cotton Throw in Clay

How many places have you called home over your life? Which places made the most impact on you?

We’re both able to feel at home really easily in places, Australia felt like home and we hope we can move there in the future. We love being barefoot in the sand or in the jungle.

One trip that stands out to us was our motorbike ride through the Himalayas in northern India - a point in time where we had few possessions and spent the last of our money, but felt so connected to the land and the people. We loved shacking up in a tent in the mountains, piled under layers of blankets and eating delicious homemade food after a long day of travel.

Bedfolk Linen Moss Green
Chloe wrapped up in Linen in Moss

How have you adjusted to an indoor/outdoor lifestyle?

So easily. It’s more peaceful even though there are a few more things to consider on a daily basis. Are your water pipes going to freeze? Are we getting enough solar energy? They’re useful things to consider and learn from - tools that will help us throughout life I’m sure.

It's a great feeling looking outside and only seeing trees and hearing birds.

Inside Chloe and Talib's school bus conversion named 'Arizona'

How do you manage to wind down in a small space? 

We’re lucky to be nestled in the woods with trees for neighbours, so we’re in a very peaceful place. We’ll make a chocolate treat and get cosy in front of the fire with blankets and pillows or we’ll climb up into our bed that we call ‘the nest’ and relax with a good film. 

We dress our bed everyday with delicious Bedfolk sheets (Talib and Chloe sleep in Linen in Moss and the Linen & Cotton Throw in Clay) and it’s always a sanctuary to nestle in. 

Bedfolk Linen Moss Green

Where is your favourite spot in your home?

The design of the bedroom/bathroom area is really pleasing. There’s a good rhythm and use of space and everything has to be put away, so it remains a little haven for everyday life.

What helps you to really wind down well? 

Lighting some candles and practicing yin yoga helps us unwind and it will soon be warm enough to sit outside and watch the sun set. 

What tastes or smells signify sleep to you?

Rose, warm oat milk and honey, and fresh linen. 

Name three things you always do before bed?

Make a warm drink, pick up a good book and get the fire stoked to keep us warm throughout the night.


Chloe And Talib's Lie In List


The Overstory by Richard Powers and Half Of The Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi


Jim Croce for country and Alton Ellis for rocksteady/reggae


Forrest Gump, Practical Magic and the Westworld series





Featured products: The Linen & Cotton Throw in Clay and the Linen Bundle in Moss

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